This is an email that we recently wrote for a client to help them communicate with their end users that rebooting their computers are important. Watch for another blog entry that will provide additional feedback that you, as IT can use when you get questioned about this.
Subject: Why you need to reboot at least one or twice a month
Why reboots are required.
- Many computer device patches require a restart of your system for them to be applied. Patches can be installed while you are working, but will not get applied until a reboot/restart of your computer has been done.
- IT can also push out other necessary patches that don’t trigger a reboot, but still require a reboot to complete the patch being applied.
How often is a reboot required?
- It is ideal that a reboot be done at least once or twice a month (reboot with patches when applicable) to ensure that your system is up-to-date with all the necessary patches. A system can be compromised if the patch has been installed but not applied.
- Ideally, rebooting once a week would ensure you are keeping your system up to date.
- IT could schedule reboots, but it is ideal that everyone manage their system themselves, as they know when the best time to reboot is. (Sleeping or hibernating your computer is not a reboot). If systems continue not to be rebooted, IT can schedule forced updates on these systems.
Why does my computer reboot itself?
- Some operating system patches force a reboot, and they usually do it automatically overnight. By keeping your system patched and up to date, these forced rebooted happen less frequently.
By rebooting our systems, we are not only keeping our systems up to date, it is contributing to ensure that the company data is kept safe.